Getting Started in Poker


Poker is an exciting card game enjoyed worldwide. It is a popular spectator sport, and broadcasts of major tournaments have made it a staple in television.

Getting Started

The first step to becoming a poker player is to understand the basics of the game. This can be done through books and online courses.

Basic Strategy

A fundamental element of poker is the ability to read your opponents. This is not as difficult to develop as it might seem, and a good understanding of people’s body language and hand movement can be helpful.

Developing this skill can be especially helpful for new players because it can help them become aware of their opponent’s emotions and how they play their chips. This can lead to better decision making and win rates at the table.


The ability to be aggressive with strong hands is very important when learning to play poker. This will allow you to win larger pots and increase your bankroll.


The most important poker strategy is to play in position. This can be accomplished by checking the first time you are dealt a hand, or by taking turns in clockwise order until every player has checked or been called.

The first player to act is the winner of the hand. This person must either make a bet or raise to match the last player’s bet or raise, depending on the rules of the variant. Once this is done, everyone else in turn must either call or fold.